I know, In know.... not about AIO, eh? Well, I just had to say something about this movie, so I hope you'll forgive me ;)
I really, really liked it. No bad words, inappropriate scenes, etc (as far as I can remember). But there was one part that got me thinking. In the scene, all the animals are running to the land bridge to escape from the earths cracks. (I'm paraphrasing)

Louis: Aren't you scared that we're like... gonna die?
One of the possums: Nope.
Louis: But why?
One of the possums to another: Should we tell him? Ok. (turns to Louis) You wanna know our secret? (whispers) We're stupid.
Louis: o.0

At first, that part had us all laughing, but after I thought for a while, I thought that we don't need "stupidity" to not be afraid, we have Jesus to keep us safe. We need to trust in Him.

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    Hey! Thanks for stopping by. Here you'll find the updates about Adventures in Odyssey, plus my thoughts about what could be happening. As a warning, they can be worrisome. I worry myself till I can't keep it in so I tell my sister and she says I'm crazy.... But anyway, if you have something to contribute (as an update or speculation) just email me on my contact page :)


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