The cover for Album 57~ A Call to Something More is out!!!!!!! EEKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! And it is soooooooooooooooooo cool!!!! But enough of that. I noticed a few things that were quite interesting...

#1: The picture behind her shows four faces. Shouldn't there be three? Connie, her mum, and her dad? Hmm...

#2: The photo album in her lap. Since this is a close-up picture of it, you'll notice that there are two people who are drawn almost identical. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

#3: Awwww, how sweet! She kept the yellow tulips that Mitch got her in Something Old, Something New.

Going by points one and two (point three in irrelevant) I have come to the conclusion that..... Connie has a twin. Don't try to argue. You know I'm right. 


3/19/2013 12:13:49 pm

Good Points, Ashley

3/20/2013 06:04:52 am

Why thank you :)

3/25/2013 01:50:31 am

That sounds very intruiging. You make very valid points! I can't say I agree with it, just because it doesn't sound like something AIO would do, but you make a good argument!

3/25/2013 04:54:35 am

Yeah, I know it doesn't sound like something AIO would do, but we never know what Paul McCusker will write next. He is the most imaginative man I know!

7/26/2014 12:02:27 pm

Woah! I never saw this, all I saw was the pic of Eugene. Thanks for sharing it, Ashley! :)



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